Sounds Of Universal Love Power

If you would like to help out in any capacity join our email list now and begin the discussion. LOVE YOU ALL

Our first project was called Building Blocks that is focused on cultivating a connection with IQRA Bilingual Academy in Dakar, Senegal. After spending a summer there to teach music and production as well as building a small studio for students and staff to expand their music/choir department, we reached our goal of $10,000! Thank you to everyone that has donated equipment, money and time. We appreciate everything you have done to help us give back to communities we are connected to.

That being said, we still have much work to do here in the South Carolina low country and would appreciate any help you can provide whether that be donating time, money or your art, craft or merchandise as an in kind tax deductible gift on our GoFundMe site where all proceeds will go to future Soul Inn Studio projects and general operating expenses of SoulPower Productions.

Your gifts will help us develop more engaging and creative workshops and after school programming in our own Title 1 areas. If necessary, we are willing to cover the cost of your art, craft or merchandise but if you waive that option your gift will be tax deductible and you will be recognized as a sponsor giving you publicity on our sponsor page as well as priority advertising. 

If you'd like to volunteer or learn more about how we can use your help please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as we can!

We will be holding a series of pop up markets and shows through out the year to bring awareness to Soul Power and Building Blocks where your work can be sold and advertised. We will also be at most places of protest providing information, collecting donations for unique and local merch, and getting to know you and including you in our email group!